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140 Inhalant and Component Allergy Panel

Our 140 Inhalant IgE Panel accurately measures IgE antibodies against 140 common inhalant allergens, utilizing both whole extracts and specific IgE components. This dual approach ensures comprehensive allergy detection.

140 Markers Tested
140 Markers Tested
IgE ELISA Technology
IgE ELISA Technology
Our IgE Component panels utilize a quantitative ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) analysis of the specific immunoglobulin IgE identified for the chosen inhalant analytes. 
Micotainer or Serum Specimens
Micotainer or Serum Specimens

This test can be run on Microtainer and Serum samples. 

  Specimen Requirement
 Microtainer Requirements 0.6 ml
Serum Requirements 1 ml
Instructions can be found near the bottom of the page.
Results Available Within 10 Business Days
Results Available Within 10 Business Days

4 Simple Steps to Results

Order free collection kits online
Steps 1


Collection Kits are free for US BioTek account holders and ship within 1 business day

Simple Specimen Collections
Steps 2


Kits are designed for the simplest & most hygienic collection process possible

Free Return Shipping
Steps 3


Prepaid return shipping labels are included making shipping simple

Receive Results Fast
Steps 4


Results are delivered to the provider portal with industry leading turnaround times.

Markers Tested

Analytes Icon
  • Trees

  • Acacia
  • Alder rAln g 1
  • Alder rAln g 4
  • Arizona cypress
  • Ash
  • Ash rFra e 1
  • Beech
  • Cottonwood
  • Cypress
  • Date palm
  • Elm
  • Hazel (C. avellana)
  • Hazel rCor a 1.0103
  • London planetree nPla a 2
  • London planetree rPla a 1
  • London planetree rPla a 3
  • Mountain cedar
  • Mulberry tree
  • Olive nOle e 1
  • Olive rOle e 9
  • Paper mulberry
  • Silver birch rBet v 1
  • Silver birch rBet v 2
  • Silver birch rBet v 6
  • Sugi (Japanese Cedar) rCry j 1
  • Tree of heaven
  • Walnut
  • Weeping fig (F. benjamina)

  • Grasses

  • Bahia Grass
  • Bermuda Grass
  • Bermuda grass rCyn d 1
  • Common Reed Grass
  • Cultivated Rye Grass
  • Perennial Rye Grass
  • Timothy Grass rPhl p 1
  • Timothy Grass rPhl p 12
  • Timothy Grass rPhl p 2
  • Timothy Grass rPhl p 5
  • Timothy Grass rPhl p 6
  • Timothy Grass rPhl p 7

  • Weeds

  • Annual mercury
  • Common Ragweed
  • English Plantain
  • Lamb’s quarter rChe a 1
  • Lamb’s Quarters
  • Mugwort
  • Mugwort rArt v 1.0101
  • Mugwort rArt v 3.0201
  • Nettle
  • Ragweed rAmb a 1
  • Ragweed rAmb a 4
  • Ribwort plantain rPla l 1
  • Rough Pigweed
  • Russian Thistle
  • Russian thistle rSal k 1
  • Wall pellitory
  • Wall pellitory rPar j 2

  • CCD Marker

  • CCD (Hom s lactoferrin) rHoms LF

  • Latex

  • Latex (H. brasiliensis) rHev b 1
  • Latex (H. brasiliensis) rHev b 11
  • Latex (H. brasiliensis) rHev b 3
  • Latex (H. brasiliensis) rHev b 5
  • Latex (H. brasiliensis) rHev b
  • 6.02
  • Latex (H. brasiliensis) rHev b 8

  • Dander and Epithelia

  • Cat, dander nFel d 2
  • Cat, dander rFel d 1
  • Cat, dander rFel d 4
  • Cat, dander rFel d 7
  • Cattle, dander
  • Djungarian hamster, dander
  • Dog, dander nCan f 3
  • Dog, dander rCan f 1
  • Dog, dander rCan f 2
  • Dog, dander rCan f 4
  • Dog, dander rCan f 6
  • Dog, dander rCan f Fel d 1
  • Dog, male urine (incl. Can f 5)
  • Goat, dander
  • Guinea pig, dander
  • Horse, dander rEqu c 1
  • Horse, dander rEqu c 3
  • Horse, dander rEqu c 4
  • Mouse, dander
  • Pig, dander
  • Rabbit, dander rOry c 1
  • Rabbit, dander rOry c 2
  • Rabbit, dander rOry c 3
  • Rat, dander
  • Sheep, dander

  • Insect Venoms

  • Common wasp
  • Common wasp rVes v 1
  • Common wasp rVes v 5
  • Fire ant
  • Honey bee
  • Honey bee nApi m 1
  • Honey bee nApi m 10
  • Long-headed wasp
  • Paper wasp Pol d
  • Paper wasp rPol d 5

  • Mites

  • -American house dust mite
  • (D.farina) rDer f 1
  • -American house dust mite
  • (D.farina) rDer f 1
  • -European house dust mite
  • (D.pteronyssinus) rDer p 1
  • -European house dust mite
  • (D.pteronyssinus) rDer p 10
  • -European house dust mite
  • (D.pteronyssinus) rDer p 11
  • -European house dust mite
  • (D.pteronyssinus) rDer p 2
  • -European house dust mite
  • (D.pteronyssinus) rDer p 21
  • -European house dust mite
  • (D.pteronyssinus) rDer p 21
  • -European house dust mite
  • (D.pteronyssinus) rDer p 23
  • -European house dust mite
  • (D.pteronyssinus) rDer p 5
  • -European house dust mite
  • (D.pteronyssinus) rDer p 7
  • -Food mite (G. domesticus)
  • -Grey flour mite (A. siro)
  • -Mold mite (L. putrescentiae)
  • -Mold mite (T. putrescentiae)
  • rTyr p 2
  • -Storage mite (L. destructor)
  • -Tropical dust mite
  • (B.tropicalis) rBlo t 10
  • -Tropical dust mite
  • (B.tropicalis) rBlo t 21
  • -Tropical dust mite
  • (B.tropicalis) rBlo t 5


  • Molds

  • A. fumigatus rAsp f 1
  • A. fumigatus rAsp f 1
  • A. fumigatus rAsp f 3
  • A. fumigatus rAsp f 4
  • Alternaria alternata rAlt a 1

  • Insects

  • American cockroach
  • American cockroach rPer a 7
  • German cockroach rBla g 1
  • German cockroach rBla g 2
  • German cockroach rBla g 4
  • German cockroach rBla g 5
  • German cockroach rBla g 9
  • Pigeon tick (A. reflexus)


VeriTek Process

Automated Systems


Increase precision by removing the potential for human error and streamlining processing for faster results
Superior Assay Preparation


Ensure top-quality results with confirmatory antigen testing & daily +/- controls for antigen validation.
Duplicate Testing


Verify accuracy with duplicate testing on ELISA antibody assessments and confirmatory cultures on Microbiome testing.
External Accreditations and Accountability


We ensure test accuracy by using third-party agencies to verify our quality. 

Need Assistance With 
Specimen Collection?

Accurate results start with proper specimen collections. Watch the video or download detailed instructions to walk you through the collection process.

More Testing Options to Support Your Patients


  • 33 IgE Inhalant Panel
  • DBS Kit-1
  • 33 IgE Inhalant Panel 2

33 Inhalant Allergy Panel


  • 295 Food, Inhalant & Components IgE 1
  • Microtainer Spceimen Collection Kit-1
  • 295 Food, Inhalant & Components IgE 2
  • 295 Food, Inhalant & Components IgE 3
  • 295 Food, Inhalant & Components IgE 4

295 Food, Inhalant, and Component Allergy Panel


  • Mycotoxin Basic 1
  • Mycotoxin Collection Kit-1

  • Mycotoxin Basic 2


MycoToxin profile